This is the only guy which makes me feel so excited and happy sgt tgk dia. such a charming character. In Sex and the City, he was a former ex boyfriend to Carrie. Very pleasant and sweet to Carrie Bradshaw (Sarah Jessica Parker). Aidan is furniture designer, dog owner and guy with a country cabin. Character ini di bawakan dengan berjaya oleh John Corbett. Dalam siri ini, Aidan di tampilkan dengan 2 siri iaitu pada permulaan sebelum dia memutuskan hubungan dengan Carrie.
Pada masa itu saya kurang berkenan dengan penampilan Aidan yg agak serabai - little more grungy and a little softer - the slightly scruffy shaggy hair, the funky shirts, the leather thong around his neck, the backward baseball cap. Tetapi, dia tetap mampu menarik perhatian saya dengan sikap caring nya. Aidan is so warm and accessible and THERE for Carrie. He even refinishes her floors and makes her a home-cooked meal.
Tetapi kehadiran Aidan dalam hidup Carrie buat kali kedua - mula memberikan impak mendalam di hati saya. Dengan perubahanya yg ketara, bikin saya mula jatuh hati pada dia. Dia tampak lagi kacak dengan penampilan rambut pendek. Saya sangat adore character Aidan ini.
::to him, smoking is a no-no - dia memimpin Carrie untuk stop smoking::
::he is so charming bila dengan kawan baik Carrie::
::sanggup buy a new laptop for Carrie bila her beloved Apple breakdown::
::cook for Carrie::
::he is so damn romantic::
::he shows his respect to women that he love most::
Dan, di bawah ini quotes yg bikin saya jatuh chenta yg amat - taken from Carrie Bradshaw.
"Later that day I got to thinking about relationships. There are those that open you up to something new and exotic, those that are old and familiar, those that bring up lots of questions, those that bring you somewhere unexpected, those that bring you far from where you started, and those that bring you back. But the most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you can find someone to love the you you love, well, that's just fabulous."
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